Warm weather is upon us, and the coming of the special event communications season. Bike-a-thons, marathons, mall displays and parades are but a few of the many events that we as amateur radio operators participate to sharpen our operating skills and perform a valuable public service. It is also a great public relations tool, and besides...it's just plain fun! It's important for special event coordinators to remember that, while we would like to perform as many assignments as possible, our primary assignment is... communications. We are bound, as always, by Part 97 regulations administered by the Federal Communications Commission. They specify that amateur radio communications should serve the public interest and should be of an emergency nature, and should not duplicate traffic that could be handled by other means, such as Citizens Band, GMRS, business band, commercial rented radios, and cellular telephone systems. Special event communications should usually relate to emergency medical or tactical traffic that help protect the safety of the public. We have received numerous complaints in the last few weeks that amateurs are performing logistical traffic operations during special events such as requesting bicycle parts from event headquarters, ordering tables and chairs for a rest station, and requesting forms and paperwork. These practices and others endanger our being able to support these events. During the recent Iditirod sled dog race in Alaska, the FCC actually monitored the race communications after complaints (by amateurs) that packet radio communications were relating to non-emergency functions, such as the movement of officials (see QST magazine May 1991 page 59). Representatives of the FCC Personal Radio Branch noted violations of the "no business traffic" rule. Where does that leave us as special events communicators? The primary emphasis is...use common sense. Ask yourself the following questions before transmitting traffic: > Does the traffic relate to the health and safety of the public? > Could I use another medium to send the traffic? > Does the traffic have an emergency or tactical nature, or is it logistical in nature? > Could it be a violation of the FCC's "no business traffic" rule? Make certain that you can justify your actions before accepting traffic. Traffic relating to injured runners or riders, informing other communicators of the location of the first few runners/riders in a race to prepare them for operations and being a communicator in a `SAG' vehicle are ways we can perform a valuable service without transmitting unauthorized radio traffic. If you have questions/comments on special event communications, refer to either of the ARRL's publications `Special Event Communications' or the `Public Service Communications Manual' or ask your ARRL Leadership Official. >>>>>DO's and DONT's for Special Event Communications<<<<< DO use simplex if at all possible, with a repeater as a back-up and for talk-in. Clear the function with the repeater group in writing, and well in advance. DO arrange for someone who knows the area to handle talk-in, or at least someone with a good map if no one else is available. DO get a crystal-clear understanding of the needs of the group you are serving. DO arrange for someone to be in charge as Net Control. Even small events can have messy communications without this. The group needs a leader. You are the best one for this in many cases. DO arrange for relief operators. Everybody needs lunch or coffee breaks. DO arrange for your people well in advance, but check on them the week before to make sure they are still available. If you can have extra people or standbys available, do so. Excuse people as soon as you can as long as their job is finished and all other positions still needed are covered. DO have the NCS keep track of who is where so he knows whom to call when asked to contact a person or checkpoint. DO keep your EC or DEC informed of what you are doing and who participates. He can help you arrange publicity. Public-relations releases before and after the event can help us all get our message across that we are here with the ability to serve. The EC or DEC can also help you get the operators you need. DO tell your operators exactly what their assignments are and remind them of the general guidelines for public service events. Assignments and changes in these guidelines should be made known to the entire group before the event begins, or during its progress if the change occurs then. DO thank your operators and share any feedback you get with them. Courtesy and thoughtfulness pay off. DO have Amateur Radio operators working in teams of at least two people if possible. Make sure that at least one member of the team is monitoring the radio at all times. DO identify vehicles as Amateur Radio Communications Vehicles. Operators should be identified, too. A call-letter badge or ARES or RACES patch is sufficient. Use baseball caps with an ARES patch or the group logo. DO maintain a courteous, professional image. You may be working with several agencies including police, fire, first aid squads, National Guard, etc. Extend every possible courtesy to members of these groups. Make sure they know who you are and what your communications capabilities are. DO use standard ARRL message forms when necessary for official requests and messages. DON`T over identify! You must identify your station only at ten minute intervals during a series of transmissions. However, don`t jump into the net every ten minutes just to identify. For example, if you only engage in a short exchange of transmissions every half hour or so, you will fulfill the identification requirement if you ID at the end of each exchange. DO use tactical call signs. Check-point or unit numbers or other special identifiers are legal, provided the station requirements are fulfilled. Use standard Amateur Radio operating procedures for all communications. DO make certain the frequency is clear before making a call. The channel can get very busy during "tactical operations". When you complete an exchange with another station, use the prowords "clear" or "out" so other stations will know the frequency is now available to them. Keep transmissions as short as possible. Resist the tendency to ragchew or ramble. DON`T apply first aid unless you are trained and certified to do so. Call for medical assistance and an ambulance or medical personnel will be dispatched to your location. DON`T transport an ill or injured person in a private vehicle. This is the job of the medics and the police. An emergency vehicle is properly equipped, and can get through traffic much faster than a private car. DON`T handle routine business or commercial communications. This includes communications regarding dollar amounts of walkathon pledges, etc. The press and broadcast stations may quote or rebroadcast amateur signals, provided the signals rebroadcast do not contain references to the broadcast. DO enjoy yourself! Amateur Radio public service is fun! DO prepare the night before. Make sure your batteries are charged and take spares if needed. Have a clipboard with paper and pencils, gas in the car, miscellaneous spare parts you may need and maps if available. Know where you are going and when you must be there. DO arrive on time on the day of the event. If you are not familiar with the location allow extra time to get there. Checking the map the night before to plan your route will not guarantee that you make every turn correctly. DO introduce yourself to the person or people you will be working with at your station. Let them know who you are and why you will be there. Stay at your post unless you are excused. Make sure both the Net Control Station (NCS) and the officials you are with know when you leave. DON`T offer more than you can deliver. You are there to provide direct emergency assistance. You are there to communicate the need for such assistance to the proper authorities. DON`T leave the frequency unless the NCS knows. If you must leave early, the more in advance this is known the better. DO inform the event communications coordinator if you cannot make the event after agreeing to be there; the sooner this is relayed to the person in charge of amateur communications at the event, the better. DO obey the instructions of the Net Control Station. The NCS is there to respond to general queries from the net or from other amateurs on the frequency. Even with only a few amateurs involved, the NCS is necessary for smooth functioning. Address requests to transmit to the NCS and obey his instructions just as on traffic nets. DO transmit as little as possible. Silence is golden. Speak as little as possible. Avoid excessive use of call signs (once every 10 minutes is all that is required). "Net from Checkpoint 1" conveys much more information. DO memorize the main operations frequency and alternate frequencies.